Fairies’ colorings pages

Fairies are mythical creatures known worldwide and the most representative icon of fantasy today. From Undo Primaries, we want the little ones to get to know these nymphs from different drawings of fairies that they will have to color.

If you like fairies to cooler, you will enjoy the old stories adapted to children that we have on our website.


Fairy Drawings

Color these pictures without the need for magic powder!

In this way, with the drawings of fairies, they will recognize them by their small bodies, their costumes and clothes made of leaves and flowers, their large wings, and their characteristic pointed ears. The drawings of children’s fairies that you will see below can be downloaded for free and are created with the best quality to print on paper so that your children can color these beautiful creatures.

Do you have children at home who love the whole fantasy world of fairies? Do you go crazy when you see Tinker Bell, Win, or dream of having a fairy godmother fulfil your wishes? Here you can find a wide variety of fairy drawings in different shapes, types and sizes.

You have to browse our website in search of the fairy drawings that you think you will like the most. Download them, print them and sit with them for an entire afternoon to bring the fairies of your choice to life by making their imaginations soar in a world full of fairies, magic and fantasy.

What kinds of fairy drawings can I look for?

Each little one is unique, and yours are no exception. Therefore, we bring you an extensive variety of fairy drawings of different types, the most common to suit your taste and landscape drawing. Here we explain some of them:

Fairy godmothers: they are characterized by having a magic wand. They can be old or young, with or without wings, tall or short. They are perfect for kids from 2 to 5 years old. To achieve the glitter of the wand, you can use glitter and give it that magic touch.

Tooth fairy: is your little one about to change their baby teeth? Add more excitement to that special moment with a drawing of the tooth fairy. She is pretty, wears a smart suit, always smiles, and gives gifts to children for her baby teeth.

Forest fairies: You can find all the fairies who take care of animals, plants, and seasons in this category. You can find fairies like Tinker Bell or Belles. They generally have large, transparent wings, wear dresses or long shirts and pants.

Water fairies: very common in rivers, lakes, seas and ponds. They wear blue clothes, live under or near water, have powers to control water, their wings are optional (some have them, some don’t).

Fire fairies: they are perfect for children over ten years old. They have a slightly more realistic appearance, and they wear long and elegant suits; their hair is usually made up of flames, as are their wings. One of the most common is salamanders.

Earth Fairies: They live in forests and mountains, wear green clothes and love to dance and drink nectar from flowers.

Air Fairies: They have wings, they are very fast, and they love to compete. They never get old, and in addition, they can control the wind.

Fairies of the night: if your little one is over ten years old, he will surely like fairies of this style. They only appear at night; they are extremely pretty, mostly they have wings and wear tight dresses. You can find them in drawings sitting on the moon or in a mushroom in the forest.

How to bring to life the fairy drawings that you download and print?

Do you want to use more than colored pencils to paint the fairy pictures? Let your imagination fly and use everything you have on hand:

Use recycled materials: fabrics that you no longer use, magazines, old newspapers, dried flower petals, leaves that have fallen from the trees … You can all use these to design the fairy costume. It will surely be beautiful.

Watercolors and chalk: do you want to give that feeling of mystery, magic and fog that magical moments always have when the fairy godmother appears to save her goddaughter? These materials are perfect for that touch.

Tempera: ideal for filling the drawing with bright colors. In addition, it is an excellent way to develop the motor process of children by having to grip a brush differently than with pencils or markers.