Conversion disorder refers to a condition in which you may have physical symptoms of a health issue but there is no illness or injury to explain these symptoms. For example, an individual falls from his bike. He is then not able to move his leg.

But his arm does not seem injured. Neither other body part is injured. The body of that individual converted psychological and emotional stress of fall into a specific physical response that is paralysis of the arm. You may consider it strange but people suffer real symptoms.

They are unable to control the symptoms. Experts place conversion disorder in a wider category of specific medical conditions that refers to functional neurologic disorders.

Causes Of Conversion Disorder

Researchers are still trying to find out the exact cause of conversion disorder. They think that this disorder occurs as a way for the brain to deal with certain types of emotional stress. Upset situations trigger this condition and other mental disorders.

Women are most likely to suffer from conversion disorder as compared to men. It occurs in people who feel hard to discuss their feelings and times and have emotional stress history.


Symptoms of functional neurological disorder vary and depend on the functional neurological disorder type. The symptoms are significant and lead to impairment. These symptoms warrant medical evaluation.

Conversion disorder’s symptoms affect the senses, function, and body movements. Symptoms that affect the movement of the body and its functions are given below.

  • Paralysis or weakness
  • Loss of balance
  • Abnormal movement like difficulty walking or tremors
  • Feeling a lump in the area of the throat
  • Shaking episodes or seizures and apparent consciousness loss
  • Unresponsiveness episodes

Some signs and symptoms of conversion disorder affect the senses. These symptoms are:

  • Deafness or hearing issues
  • Vision problems like blindness or double vision
  • Speech issues like slurred speech or inability to speak
  • Loss of touch sensation or numbness


The exact cause of the development of the functional neurological disorder is not known yet. Theories that explain the processes that happen in the brain and induce symptoms are somewhat complex. These theories involve many mechanisms that are not the same.

These mechanisms are associated with a specific type of functional neurological disorder. Brain parts that control senses and muscle functioning may be involved even if no abnormality or disease is present.

Symptoms of conversion disorder suddenly appear after any stressful situation. Emotional or physical trauma can also induce symptoms of this disorder. Other triggers include disruptions or alternation in the cellular, structural or metabolic level of the brain.


Treatments depend on specific symptoms and the type of functional neurological disorder. A multispecialty team that includes a psychiatrist, neurologist, or team of mental health professionals like physical, occupational, and speech therapists may be appropriate. You can try incorporating cbd oils for pain management. Visit CBD Clinicals for cbd oils formulated for specific health conditions.


The medical team provides treatment for any medical or neurological disorder. Depending on the needs of people, health care professionals provide the following therapies.

  • Occupational or physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Distraction or stress reduction techniques

Mental Health Choices

Your way of thinking and emotions have a great impact on your symptoms of conversion disorder and recovery. It’s not about the neurological symptoms just. Following are the psychiatric treatment options that you might receive during the treatment of conversion disorder.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

It is a type of psychotherapy that helps you to know your negative thinking so you can clearly analyze the situations of your life. It helps you to respond to certain situations effectively. It makes you able to learn stressful symptoms and situations.

Treating Other Conditions Related To Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and other conditions of mental health can make the symptoms of functional neurologic disorder more severe. Treating other conditions related to mental health with this disorder helps in recovery.


People respond to suggestions that trained professionals give them during hypnosis. It helps to recover fastly from the symptoms of conversion disorder.


Medications do not prove effective for the treatment of the functional neurological disorder. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any drug yet to treat this disorder.

If you are suffering from depression then antidepressants might prove beneficial for you. Medications help you if you have pain, mood disorders, or insomnia. Communicate with your doctor about which treatment works best for you.

Discuss the issues that you are facing so the doctor can plan the best treatment for you. Let your health care professional know about the problems that affect your mood and daily life functions to receive a good combination of therapies.