There’s a huge trend going on throughout America within the home décor niche, and it largely has to do with area rugs. No longer are people solely searching for conventional, rectangular rugs, because now round shaped rugs are becoming a go-to option for households throughout the nation.

There’s a lot to love about this rug style, and the Rug Source round shaped rugs experts have supported this article by providing an elaborate list of design tips oriented around this specific rug style.

So take the below advice from the Rug Source pros when it comes to decorating your home with round rugs!

Make Sure Your Round Shaped Rugs Are At Least Large Enough To Touch The Room’s Major Furniture Pieces

Although this is a similar type of décor rule for rectangular and square area rugs, it’s even more important for round shaped rugs. This is because the aesthetics of round rugs are oriented around its curved edges, which can look strange if there’s extra space between these edges and the furniture pieces.

So just like with regular rectangular rugs, you’re going to need to conduct proper measurements and ensure that your new round rugs will look aesthetically pleasing within your room’s existing furniture setup.

Round Rugs Look Fantastic Underneath Curvy Or Rounded Furniture

Round coffee tables and dining room tables look great with any rug shapes, but there is something special from a décor standpoint when round shaped rugs are placed underneath rounded or curvy furniture pieces. Of course you’ll need to ensure that your round rug is large enough to provide proper aesthetics in this type of interior design theme, but there’s a cohesive symmetry that is unparalleled when this type of décor is implemented well.

Placing Round Rugs In Rooms That Are Minimally Designed

Round rugs also just so happen to look great in rooms when there’s a little bit less furniture and design themes going around, which is often referred to as minimalist décor.

Round rugs provide a softening effect for interior design themes that helps make rooms appear to be more inviting and comforting, so this type of area rug ambience naturally goes well in rooms that are already inviting and easy going.

Round Rugs Can Help Define Vignettes

Whether it’s in a bathroom, an entryway, or the edges of a large room, round area rugs do a great job at providing beautiful patterns and colors with great décor functions. The unique vignettes you can develop with round rugs are second to none throughout the rug world, and they simply do a great job at providing an added design element to a household space that otherwise wouldn’t get much attention.

Making Sure Your Round Rugs Share Commonalities With Other Parts Of Your Room

Another great décor tip for your round shaped rugs is to connect the rug to other focal points throughout your room, which can include pieces of art and furniture. When your rugs share commonalities between these important parts of your space, it’ll create a cohesive aesthetic that looks fantastic.

Learn More About Rug Source Round Shaped Rugs By Speaking Directly With Their Industry Specialists!

There’s a lot to love about Rug Source round shaped rugs, and this online outlet just so happens to have one of the largest inventories of round rugs found anywhere on the Internet. No matter what your personal budget is, Rug Source has a round shape rug that’ll meet your financial and décor needs.

You can learn more design tips oriented around round rugs by speaking directly with the Rug Source team via the link to their round rugs page at the top of this article!