Referring to, nay carefully reading and solving GATE previous year question paper plays a crucial role in sharpening your assessment skills, writing skills, and improving time management. Doing so will not only equip you with ways to perform better in GATE 2022 but will also help you understand your current level of preparation.

Many students tend to marginalise the mock tests and sample papers and skip the question papers from previous years. However, we would advise you to never skip solving these, as they act as the blueprint for GATE exams.

That is to say, let us look at the reasons why solving the question papers from the past few years is helpful. Read ahead to know more.

How is GATE Previous Years’ Question Paper Helpful?

You will not only get a broad idea of the exam pattern but you will also be aware of the areas where you lack preparation. Simply covering the syllabus without considering the type of questions that would appear in GATE 2022 will make your attempt somewhat a hit and miss. Here is why you should consider solving a GATE previous year question paper:

You get an understanding of the types of questions that you might deal with. Many times, students begin their preparations without paying any attention to the nature of questions that might appear. Understanding the pattern of questions should always be your first priority to start your preparations logically.

You won’t be caught off guard when looking at a tricky question. Sometimes, the answers to such questions are very easy. But since you are not used to solving it, you might be confused and would consider the question paper to be difficult.

You can notice the evolving trends introduced by the authorities. This way, you would be aware of what kinds of answers don’t work anymore, and prepare accordingly.

Practice is going to make you perfect. You wouldn’t be intimidated during your exam but would rather be pretty confident.

Self-assessment becomes easy. Keep a track of your progress and try to understand your current progress every time you solve a GATE previous year question paper.

Tips to Consider

Apart from getting a knack for the pattern and type of questions that might appear in GATE, you can also improve your grasping and retention powers when solving as many question papers as you want. Here are a few tips that you must consider:

Practice regularly. Do not lose touch with the question papers from past years.

Complete your syllabus at least once before solving the first question paper. You may go through the paper in the middle of the preparations just to get an idea of how you should be preparing, but do not solve it until you are done covering your syllabus. You may get demotivated.

Make running notes and keep the facts ready. Jot down all the relevant quotes, formulas, and facts that you come across when solving the paper. Keep revisiting them from time to time to understand what you still lack.

Record and track your performance. Know how far you have come in this journey of months-old preparation!

Are you a GATE aspirant? Don’t miss out on the tips mentioned in this article. We hope you are giving it all to crack the GATE 2022 exams, and we hope you succeed with flying colours. Cheers to a new beginning! Do your best!!!