Letting your cat outside alone for the first time can be a scary prospect. Will she run away? If she runs off, will she come back? These are questions that many cat owners ask, so it is not surprising then that many decide against letting their pet out alone. Some believe it is far safer to keep their cat inside while others will invest in a walk kit for cats so that they can take their cat out on a leash instead. The folk at Voyager Harness say that walking cats on a leash has become really popular in recent times. But not everyone thinks this is a good idea. There are those that still believe that cats should be allowed to roam freely outside so that they can satisfy their natural instincts to explore.

What to do Before She Goes Outside

There are things you can do before you let your cat out for the first time. For starters, you should get the cat micro chipped so that she can be returned to you if she does run away and cannot find her way back. A cat collar is also a good idea. However, cat collars should always have a quick release feature as our feline friends like to climb and explore. A quick-release collar is a safety feature that will prevent injury to your cat should her collar get caught on something. Make sure the cat’s collar is fitted with an ID tag so that you can be contacted if she makes her way to someone else’s yard.

It is also important to ensure your cat has been fully vaccinated before being allowed out on her own. Ideally, she should be neutered too so that you do not end up with a litter of kittens to look after at some point.

Venturing Outside for the First Time

If you live in an urban area, letting your cat out alone is probably not a good idea. Cats with no experience of the world are likely to get into trouble in densely populated areas. There is a risk of injury from traffic as well as attacks from dogs. The loud sounds populated areas are known for could also startle your cat and cause undue stress.

If you have your own yard and live in a quieter area, your cat might manage fine when you let her out. However, before you do work on her recall. Spend some time calling her in the house. Move about and call her from different rooms. Every time she comes, reward her with a treat.

When you are ready to let her outside, make sure she has not been fed because she is more likely to come back if she is hungry. Stay with her as she explores the yard and let her do this for about half an hour before calling her in for her food.

You should do this every day until you feel that your cat is comfortable being outside. The more time she spends outside, the farther she is likely to go. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Remember that cats are naturally cautious and are always looking for signs of predators. She is unlikely to venture far, and she will probably come rushing back home if she feels threatened in any way.


Cats do not normally bolt when faced with an open door. Even when they are used to being outside, they will usually take their time heading out to ensure that there is no danger lurking around any corners.