Modern-day housing is incomplete without technological equipment, to ensure safety and scrutiny of visitors. The complexities of society have strengthened and so has the risk of intruders. Transparency, security, and technologically driven vigilance have become a part of any well-bestowed housing society. The same applies to high-tech affluent organizations.  Be it duplexes, bungalows, apartments, or a commercial organization, a visitor management system is the need of the hour for safe and peaceful living today. The system entails keeping track of visitors to the premises of the organization. The scope of scrutiny is a variant for different organizations or residential establishments. There are many aspects and nuances constituting a well-functioning system.

The main benefits of having an operational visitor management system are:

  • Time-saving and error-minimization: A highly sophisticated system would enable visitors to check in within 20 seconds. In the case of an organization, actions like notifications to employees regarding the arrival of a visitor, scanning of ID, capturing of relevant data, identity confirmation, and printing of an ID badge. Automation enables the completion of these essential formalities with minimal scope of human error. The functional time of an organizational day is saved a lot due to visitor management tools.

In the case of residential arrangements, society management systems are installed for similar services. The system enables the administrator or secretary of a society, the residents, and the staff working for the society with an interface. A dashboard fed with smart automation makes the daily errands within society smooth and efficient. All the stakeholders of a community are provided with a communicational edge thanks to the society management system. Automated processes ensure the minimization of human errors.

  • Enhanced security and keeping track: A constant vigilance is good enough for keeping the risk of intrusion at bay. However, with the advanced mechanism of a superior visitor management system, advantages can be elaborated further:
  1. Integration of access control: Integrating a visitor management system and access control mechanism will result in highly selective entry of visitors. Additionally, only pre-decided visitors can be allowed for a particular day or for a specific duration in your building premises. This increases security to great levels as the unauthorized crowd is eliminated at the bring, saving time and energy for the office staff.

For housing societies, filtering or banning visitors by proper communication with the security personnel will eliminate any risk or threat within the premises. A good society management system co-ordinating with the security system of society ensures safety and welfare for all the residents at large.

  1. Risk management: In case of an emergency within office premises, like a fire or an earthquake, the system will automatically discriminate between members of the organization remaining in and the ones who managed to get out.

In a housing society, a mishap will be accounted for by the management system in case of a natural disaster or if buildings catch fire. Enumeration of the residents by the system will provide the required accountability.

  1. Referencing of watchlist: Certain software allows matching of the visitor’s ID, issued by the Government with the watchlist. In case of a match, the administrator is alerted regarding his past criminal record, thus ensuring safety from unwanted unlawful citizens. Keeping the premises clean from social filth will ensure smooth operations.

A housing society is filled with minors at a tender and vulnerable age. Restricting illegal entry of visitors with ulterior motives is an essential security step. Also, sex offenders or blackmailers can be warded off at the very brink due to watchlist referencing. The escalating incidents in recent times have given rise to such security measures.

  • No more guesswork: Yesteryears are filled with false identity incidents. Illegible signatures and sometimes false names or smooth talk with a gullible watchman allowed many unwanted incidents. Technologically driven systems are striving to eradicate the whole suspense factor altogether. Visitor management software allows desk supervisors, both in an organization as well as in a residential society to get a full disclosure of the visitor. Apart from the incumbent individuals, be they employees or residents, a detailed report of temps, cleaning personnel, delivery boys, contractors, etc. can be generated by the management system.
  • Confidentiality: The current business framework demands confidentiality of your visitors in order to protect the identity of genuine visitors and identify unwanted ones. A password-protected database of visitors will secure all the info regarding visitors, both in an organization as well as in a housing society. This will enable maintaining confidentiality. The previous visitors will be opaque to the next visitor, thus maintaining a high level of identity secrecy.
  • Professionalism: The impression of an organization or a housing society is well reflected by the employed visitor management system. A potential customer making his first entry to your office can be highly impressed with the security system, increasing chances of making a favorable business deal. Also, a potential buyer or renter of an apartment can have favorable thoughts regarding getting an apartment in your society thanks to the impression created by the outlook of the security management system. Replacing ID badges scribbled in human handwriting with printed and laminated ones and the designation of desk administrator rather than security guard are examples of professionalism concerning the visitor management system.

Last words

Knowing the benefits of a good management system might be an initial step. The advanced search is to find a company providing a one-stop-shop for all management solutions pertaining to an organization or a society. Planet Smart City is a comprehensive organization, truly versatile in its service offerings. With initiating business in Pune building more than 1775 blocks, Planet Smart City, is solely motivated to enable smart solutions for the residents. Their services include property management, infrastructure management, community management, and various other solutions. Business here is done smartly!

Their approach is futuristic and their vision is long-term! State-of-the-art engineering and personalization go hand in hand with Planet Smart City. Certain examples of their innovations are:

  • Creation of guest invites: This facilitates smoother entry of your guests via the society gates. This will inculcate a warm welcome feeling in the hearts of your guests, making the meet a success.
  • Generation of QR codes and ID cards for the society staff: The main reason for this facilitation is smoother and swift entry and exit of your daily staff. No scope for any identity crisis whatsoever!
  • Recognized invites for regular deliveries: The well-known delivery boys and cab drivers can get easy entry and exit. This saves time and energy.

The systems are engineered keeping in mind the modern lifestyle. The aforementioned are just a glimpse of the creativity they offer. To know more, visit: https://planetsmartcity.in