Alcohol withdrawal is the process of detoxification of the body from all the toxins that are accumulated because of the continuous consumption of alcohol. This is the process that is carried out in the rehab centers to help people who have fallen into the clutches of addiction to get rid of their habit.

Detox to Rehab is one of the many communities that have successfully helped people to find the best help for their alcohol withdrawal symptoms. They work to guide patients toward the path of detoxification with the help of some expert centers. You can check more about their working mechanism by visiting their webpage.

Alcohol Withdrawal Steps 

The steps of alcohol detoxification are done in three different stages. They are –

  • Stage One 

This is the step where the patients suffer from mild effects of alcohol withdrawal. This can be experienced within the first 6 to 24 hours after the detoxification treatment starts for the patient. The intensity of the effects can be expected to subside within the next 24 to 48 hours.

  • Stage Two 

This is the stage where the effects of alcohol withdrawal are experienced within the next 24 to 48 hours after the detoxification process starts. The effects will be quite intense than the first stage of withdrawal symptoms. Here, the experts might make use of some medications to help patients keep their withdrawal symptoms at bay.

The additional effects of alcohol withdrawal in stage two can be experienced in the form of anxiety, irritability, depression, and so on.

  • Stage Three

This is the step of alcohol withdrawal where the severity of the symptoms can be noticed within the next 48 to 96 hours after the detoxification starts in the rehab centers. The first effects of withdrawal can be noticed in the form of burning, itching, rash, or the feeling of bugs crawling right under the skin layer in the patients. Sometimes, the severity of the symptoms can be quite high.

The most preferred medications in the case of alcohol withdrawal are adrenergic, antipsychotic, etc., and other such options. The risk of seizures is quite high in patients when the dependency on alcohol is very severe.